A New track from Errant Boy – ‘Means’

After listening to the new track from Errant Boy, you are left with the distinct impression that this is a band who look at things from a slightly different angle than the rest of us. ‘’Means’’ invites us in to their distorted landscape with an enigmatic spoken word intro. Seconds later you have been sucked in to a frenetic sonic whirlpool, trapped in Errant Boy’s rather irregular world.

The offbeat lyrics add to the sense of disorientation, the chorus is unlike anything else you will hear this year or any other year. And when it’s over all you will want to do is take a few seconds to gather your breath before jumping straight back in.

“Means” is the first track to emerge from sessions for an album to be released next year, it’s  one to look out for.



For more info visit Errant Boy on Facebook.

And Errant Media on Twitter is defintely worth following.


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