It’s All About That Betty and the Bass

Released on the 15th of September, Bad Magic Tricks Pt 1 is the new EP from Edinburgh trio Betty and the Bass. On their social media pages they describe their sound as country grunge sweetness. That works well as an intro. In order to get the full story though you have to listen to them as they demonstrate themselves to be smarter than the average indie band.

Opening track ‘Another Life’ sees the band get very quickly in to a driving groove which serves as the perfect accompaniment to Lyndsey Craig’s remarkable vocals. You can try and singalong but you are never too sure which direction she is going to head off in. The slower paced ‘EGD’ cements the impression that this band are a force to be reckoned with.  However it is on ‘Bruised Lit a Peach’ that the band shine the brightest.  Inventive and compelling throughout, it’s one of the most satisfying indie-rock tracks of the year.

*Spoiler Alert.* Things are brought to a conclusion with a somewhat demented ‘hidden’ track. I listened to it whilst in a state of confusion caused by severe sleep deprivation and it all made perfect sense. I’m not sure if I should be worried about that or not.

With Bad Magic Tricks Pt 1, Betty and the Bass have certainly served notice that they are one to watch and a band you really should make the effort to catch  live at the earliest opportunity.

Betty and the Bass are on Twitter and Facebook.

Buy Bad Magic Tricks Part 1 here.

Also available to listen to on Spotify.


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