The Hector Collectors -Remember The Hector Collectors?

With their latest release, The Hector Collectors waste no time at all in getting down to  business with the album title itself aping the plethora of click bait headlines that litter the internet.

‘Remember the Hector Collectors?…you won’t believe what they sound like now’   serves up twelve tracks of instantly likeable indie pop, packed full of humour and smart observation. There are several laugh out loud moments, more than a few serious points made and most importantly, some damn fine tunes.

An early highlight is the wonderfully titled ‘It Takes a Lot to Laugh, it Takes a 25 Minute Response Video to DESTROY your Argument.’ With a catchy chorus and clever lyrics taking a swipe at internet behaviour it sets the template for much of what follows.

‘Bullies’ provides real food for thought, the breezy soundtrack allowing the message to get through without ever appearing preachy. ‘Just Lovely’ is a fun list of things that may or may not be lovely. The singers reaction to his wife getting tickets to see Sarah Millican is one of the best gags on the album, one of many great one liners on this track alone.

‘Overton Window’ takes a wry look at today’s  confusing political scene with the singer initially celebrating how the slightly bonkers has now become mainstream before bemoaning the fact that everything has moved to an even crazier place than even he had imagined.

‘Edgelords’ was released as a single a couple of months back, a great choice as it served as the perfect pointer to an album which simply doesn’t have a bad track on it. Things are brought to a conclusion with the enjoyably odd ‘Leeson Windfarm.’ Unlike the rest of the album it is a  rather dark affair but it works wonderfully  as a full stop to what has gone before.

For more information including how to buy the album, why not  follow the band on Twitter ?

Check out the video for Edgelords below.


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