Due to be released on Friday 5th February, Where Time Suspends is the new album from Edinburgh singer -songwriter Rosie Nimmo. A wonderfully laid-back collection, the eclectic mixture of jazz-tinged blues and Joni Mitchell style folk musings provides a much needed counter to the current bleak climate.
Opening track Laugh is a lovely introduction to Rosie Nimmo’s craft as her never less than engaging voice reminds us of the joy to be gained from everyday connections. There’s a real singalong feel to this song which should have even the dourest among us finding a wee smile appearing on their face.
Rosie Nimmo’s lyrics are often deceptively simple. The sparse arrangement on Heaven, a lament for the loss of a childhood pet, provides the perfect backdrop to a song that says a so much about the hardship of grief. The nursery rhyme style opening lyrics on the ostensibly more upbeat Oops a Daisy soon give way to a witty and thoughtful reflection on the nature of relationships.
Possibly the biggest insight to where Rosie Nimmo is coming from is to be found on one of the albums highlights, Small Child. It is rather refreshing to hear another adult admit that deep down we are still driven by the child we used to be……or still are.
Could Have Been was inspired by an inscription found inside a poetry book. Everything comes together perfectly here, from the sparse playing to the gorgeous vocals and touching lyrics. It’s a wonderful song and no surprise that it was released as a single.
Where Time Suspends is an emotionally rich album, rendered uniquely beautiful by the delivery of the subtle and profound lyrics in the artists warm yet uncluttered manner. It will be so good to hear these songs played live when that is possible again.
Pre-order and buy Where Time Suspends at rosienimmo.com
Rosie Nimmo can be followed on Facebook
Or catch up with her on Twitter.