Released at the beginning of June, Bad Day is the new five track EP from London based singer-songwriter Lucy May Walker.
If a revenge song can rightly be described as joyous then the country flavoured title track certainly qualifies. It is nearly impossible not to smile as the singer lays out her wish list of minor mishaps for the target of her ire to endure. The singalong chorus is a delight, ensuring things move seamlessly towards what proves to be a surprisingly emotional sign off.
The mood changes on You Say You’ve Moved On. It’s a thoughtful and moving track delivered in Lucy May Walker’s more familiar folk-pop style. Happy for You and Gold showcase just how endearing her voice is. There is never any doubt that these songs are inspired by personal experience, the words skilfully capturing the frequently bittersweet moments of everyday life.
Inspired by visits to festival time Edinburgh, Home from Home is a heartfelt tribute to that city. Beautifully driven by piano, the songs sense of place is sure to strike a chord with anybody who have found their own home from home, wherever that may be.
Bad Day is a sure step forward from Lucy May Walker, do try and catch her live when we eventually return to some sort of normality.
To find out more visit the artists website HERE.
Catch up with latest from Lucy May Walker on Twitter.