Little Love and the Friendly Vibes at Leith Festival

The sun was shining down on Leith festival as Little Love and the Friendly Vibes prepared to deliver their set. Looking like they had just rolled out of Scooby Doo’s Mystery Machine their laid back demeanour disappeared as soon the opening chords of first song Fictional Girls rang out. It looked like co-vocalist Leonora Winstanley had been plugged in to the mains along with the amps as she was instantly transformed in to a vigorous ball of energy.

Sounding like a cross between the Buzzcocks and The B52’s,  their enthusiasm was impossible to resist from the start. High Maintenance, a song from their album ‘The Same…..Only Worse’ proved to be even better than the rather excellent studio version. . Heads Down, Thumbs Up saw Leonora make one of many forays in to the crowd, the stage proving too small to contain her remarkable energy. The bands certainly weren’t taking themselves too seriously. Guitarist and lead vocalist Euan Weddel’s occasional guitar hero antics in front of the stage were tremendous fun to watch, one of many things about the groups’ performance that left all those watching smiling broadly.

New single Italian Leather Jacket was possibly the high point of their afternoon as the band really got in to their groove. Things were brought to an all too early finish with a storming version of Banter Enhancer. They are appearing at Edinburgh’s Canal festival on the 16th June. Get yourself there if you can, you are guaranteed to have a good time.

Find out more at Little Love and the Friendly Vibes Facebook page.

And why not follow them on Twitter?



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